

Vision and Mission of the School



The School (as defined herein) shall operate as a “Catholic” school. Its “Catholic” identity shall be recognized in so far as it conforms with the criteria set by the Catholic Church [see Canon 803 §§1-3 and related Canons 804-806 of the Code of Canon Law (promulgated in 1983), quoted in the Appendix; also refer to Vatican II, Declaration on Christian Education (28 October 1965), 8-9; Congregation for Catholic Education, Instruction “The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School” (7 April 1988)].
本校(在本文所指的學校)必須按「天主教」學校模式運作,其「天主教」身份則須按天主教會所釐訂的準則而獲確認(參照附錄所引述的一九八三年頒布的《天主教法典》803條第 1-3 節,以及相關的 804-806條;另參照一九六五年十月廿八日發表的梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議「公教教育宣言」8-9節、一九八八年四月七日公教教育部發表的「天主教學校教育的宗教幅度――有關反省與更新的綱領」)。

With a determination to carry on the contribution of the Catholic Church to education, the School, as its vision and mission, shall uphold and pass on the following core values to young people to prepare them properly for their life and future responsibilities.




Truth: It is what the human intellect is searching for.
真理: 這是人的理智所追求的對象。

      (a) Human reason’s capacity for truth must be upheld, and the desire for truth, especially the truth about God and about the meaning of life, must always be encouraged and kept alive.
      (b) Wisdom, which enables a person to distinguish right from wrong, and good from evil, must be treasured above all other kinds of knowledge.
      (c) Honesty demands that a person tell the truth and put it into practice, even at the cost of making a great sacrifice.
    2.1.2 Justice: It is the moral virtue that consists of a constant and resolute will to give to God and one’s neighbours their due.


Justice towards God is called the “virtue of religion”; and justice towards one’s neighbours disposes one to respect the rights of others and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to individual persons and to the common good.

      (b) Human dignity can be protected and promoted, and the wellbeing of society can be achieved, only if human rights are respected and individuals undertake their responsibilities for one another, for their own families, and for society.
只有當人權受到尊重,而每個人都承擔彼此之間的責任,以及承擔對家庭和社會的責任時,人性的尊嚴才會得到保障和提升, 而社會才能享有幸福。


Love: It is the greatest of all virtues.
愛德: 這是諸德之冠。



God, the source of life and goodness, has created everything out of love, and has called the whole human family to be His children. As a member of God’s family, one’s goals in life are to share God’s happiness, to love God above all things and love one’s neighbours as brothers and sisters.

      (b) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour of humankind, is the model of selfless love and humble service to others.
      (c) The practice of all the virtues is to be inspired and motivated by love, so that all aspects of human life and interpersonal relationship may be bound together in perfect harmony.
      (d) Love surpasses the strict measure of justice and urges one to care for the poor and the needy, and to make a preferential option for the underprivileged and marginalized in society.


Life: It is a priceless gift from God and is sacred in itself.



Every human person is created in the image of God and has the right to life, which must be respected from its conception to its natural end.

      (b) In the spirit of the “Beatitudes” as taught in the Gospel, the tribulations and adversities in life are to be faced with serenity and hope.
      (c) Every person is entitled to have whatever is necessary for a decent and dignified existence.
      (d) Only a society which respects human life can bring happiness to all.


Family: It is the basic unit of society.



Only pure love, the unreserved mutual self-giving between husband and wife, is truly gratifying; a happy, wholesome marriage is prepared by the practice of the virtue of chastity and sustained by fidelity and an indissoluble, lifelong commitment.

      (b) Inasmuch as sex is an integral part of conjugal life and has its own dignity, a balanced sex education must follow a holistic and in-depth approach, with emphasis on the virtues of self-discipline and mutual respect between a man and a woman.
      (c) Marriage is the foundation of a family; an intact and united family is a permanent support for husband and wife, and for parents and children, in achieving their goals in life; an intact and united family is likewise a most favourable setting for the upbringing of children and young people, and a necessary condition for the wellbeing of human society.


The School shall cultivate the above core values by –



Upholding the time-honoured practice of respecting and collaborating with stakeholders with diverse backgrounds in achieving the School’s vision and mission as set out in this Article, in the awareness that the success of education depends on the joint effort of all parties concerned (refer to Canon 796§2 and Canon 800§2 of the Code of Canon Law, quoted in the Appendix);
校方意識到教育是靠多方相關人士共同努力才會成功(參考附錄所引述的天主教法典 796條第 2節及 800條第 2節),遂要堅持經得起時間考驗的做法,尊重不同背景的學校持份者,並與他們合作,以完成本條文所列明的學校願景與使命;


      (b) providing a family environment imbued with mutual trust and love in the School; and


incorporating in the formal school curriculum Religious Education courses designed by the SSB (as defined herein), and fostering a Catholic spirit through religious practices held regularly in the School, such as morning prayers and religious activities held regularly for staff and pupils.
在學校的正規課程內,要加設由辦學團體(在本文所指的)設計的宗教教育課程, 並透過校內經常舉辦的宗教禮儀活動培養公教精神,例如經常為師生舉行的早禱及宗教活動。



The School is founded by the Chinese Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, known legally as “The Incorporated Trustees of the Chinese Sisters of the Immaculate Conception” in Hong Kong which emphasizes on the educational beliefs and ideals of Bishop AntoniusFourquet, founder of the Congregation.

Bishop Antonius Fourquet was Bishop of Guangzhou in China from 1920s to 1940s. Those were the days when education was not well provided for the poor.Overcoming all difficulties, Bishop Fourquet tried his utmost to establish kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools in Guangzhou to cater for the needy. By way of the educational services, Bishop Fourquetoffered opportunity to the younger generation a chance to a good and sound education and at the same time let people know about the Good News, gave testimony about Jesus Christ, and created opportunities for priests and religious sisters to foster the spiritual growth in students and the public at large.



To follow the teaching of Christ and to spread the gospel to the whole world; make concerted efforts to educate and nurture young people according to the educational beliefs of the Catholic Church; provide a balanced, whole-person education to enable students to develop spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and artistically so that they can treasure life and follow the spirit of Christ to love and serve all mankind; appreciate the values of Chinese culture and its social norms; have a passion for life and enjoy a quality of life with a healthy balance between the material and spiritual.

    (b) To help students to develop independent and critical thinking so that they are empowered to deal with the values and ideas in society sensibly and wisely, conceive cautiously and judge wisely, find and follow the truth, and become persons with moral integrity and the ability to critically assess and make constructive comments on trends in society and the media.
🏫 聖安當小學
🏫 St. Antonius Primary School
🗺️ 地址: 九龍油塘道1號
🗺️ Address: 1 Yau Tong Road Kwun Tong KLN
☎️ 電話: 23484283
📠 傳真: 23496371
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